No two days are the same at Preschool but here is an outline of a typical day at Coldstream Preschool…

Morning / Mid Morning

On arrival parents sign their children in and place their bags in their locker, lunch in the fridge and morning tea in the baskets. Parents are welcome to stay and play.

Outdoor play and activities.

10am morning tea.

Indoor activities, creative arts and crafts. Free play.

Group time, music/movement/language

12.00 Lunch

Early Afternoon / Afternoon

Rest time and quiet indoor activities/table activities/school readiness activities.

Outside play

3pm home time! Parents sign children out and have a chat to the educators about their child's day.

Our routine changes depending on the weather and the children's current interests.

What to bring

For a fun packed day at Preschool your child will need the following packed in a backpack:

Hat : You will receive a Preschool hat at enrolment  and you are encouraged to leave this at Preschool. All hats must be wide brimmed, sun safe.

Spare Clothes : Fun can be messy so please pack a spare set of clothes for your child. In line with our Sun Safe Policy shirts/dresses must have sleeves.

Food: please pack a healthy morning tea and lunch (e.g no lollies or chips). No nuts or nut products are to be included due to allergies. For morning  tea bring a piece of fruit to share and a healthy  snack for your  child. Cold water is available all day.